A scribe must be aware of the fact that effective patient care is directly related to the good relationship of scribe with other healthcare providers including nurses, pharmacist, paramedics etc.They must write to the point information so that a physician can easily overview the details during their busy shift including filling the procedure, rechecks needed and time needed for critical care.While filling a patient chart a scribe must be aware and trained of coding and billing requirements.A scribe must also be aware of the issues related to the documentation regarding which symptom or history should be included or excluded from the document.In addition, recording the data that when consultants were called back, re-examination data findings, gathering information from the support staff and providing it to the physician in an emergency department (ED). In an emergency department (maintaining medical records, documenting patient discharge information, writing doctor’s excuse notes, composing the prescriptions and then signed by physician).Writing referral or other types of letters for correlation.Transformation or translation of the physician’s dictation from Dictaphones and then recording them into EHR.

Recording the patient’s answers given to the physician regarding the diet and exercise as well as the mandatory lab tests and values.Write the History of present illness (HPI) by observing the patient’s medical record and interactions.The main responsibility of a scribe is to maintain the electronic health record (EHR) system by entering each patient’s data (medical history and medical record).Further, because a scribe’s responsibility is focused on charting, the chart is likely to be more thorough and results in more accurate billing to insurance. With the use of a scribe, physicians are able to see more patients without the hindrance of typing the patient’s chart. Most physicians like working with scribes and many authors recommend that healthcare providers employ medical scribes to reduce time spent performing data entry and other administrative tasks, which can increase physician fatigue and dissatisfaction. An in-depth study conducted by The Vancouver Clinic in Vancouver, WA from 2011-2012 found that medical scribes improved the quality of clinical documentation and allowed doctors to see extra patients, while noting the risks associated with scribe turnover and doctors' unfamiliarity with the scribe concept.

Patients tolerate scribes well and no differences in patient satisfaction can be found when scribes are present. An increasing body of research has shown the use of medical scribes is usually, but not always, associated with improved overall physician productivity, cost- and time-savings. As a result, providers are experiencing burnout and dissatisfaction. A tool which was intended to alleviate some problems of clinical documentation has caused many problems for the very people who were supposed to benefit from the technology - the providers. However, the complexity of some systems has resulted in providers spending more time documenting the encounter instead of speaking with and examining the patient. The introduction of electronic health records has revolutionized the practice of medicine.
Medical scribes, by handling data management tasks for physicians in real-time, free the physician to increase patient contact time, give more thought to complex cases, better manage patient flow through the department, and increase productivity to see more patients. Medical scribes can be thought of as data care managers and clerical personal assistants, enabling physicians, medical assistants, and nurses to focus on patient in-take and care during clinic hours. Scribes also find information and people (such as medical records from other hospitals, test results or on-call consultants). Some scribes assist with e-prescribing (this is prohibited in some jurisdictions and allowed in others). Medical scribes generate referral letters for physicians, book appointments and manage and sort medical documents within the EHR system. Responsibilities will vary with the scribe’s department rules. A medical scribe's primary duties are to follow a physician through his or her work day and chart patient encounters in real-time using a medical office's electronic health record (EHR) and existing templates.